Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Counting your Blessings

As Thanksgiving approaches, are you thinking about your blessings?

A 2003 study suggests that people who count their blessings are generally happier and healthier than people who don't (Journal of Personality and Social Psychology).

It may be as easy as taking time each day to note that day’s moment of gratefulness. Many facebook users publicize their blessings daily in the month of November. Some are quite poetic recounting the importance of family. Others, it appears are searching for something to say and may just end up being thankful for a cup of hot coffee. But that’s the point really. Even in the worst of days, we can find something that we appreciate. And it is that practice of looking for the good in the midst of bad, that we learn to have a positive outlook on life.

Today’s call to action is to identify one (or more) blessings in your life and to do so each day until Thanksgiving. Whether you use Facebook or a personal journal to chronicle them, challenge yourself to take a look at your life and be grateful for what you have. And if you are so inclined, don’t stop at Thanksgiving. Make it a daily ritual to count your blessings; you will feel blessed in return.

Ask Dr Shook will be sharing meaning quotes each day to inspire you in your quest to discover your blessings.